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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Real Beauty

This last week was by far one of my favorites in my media class. On Monday we watched a documentary called "Miss Representation" that was about portrayals of women in the media which was fantastic! Although there were some aspects that myself and others in the class didn't necessarily agree with, overall it was an eye-opening and powerful film. I'm attaching a trailer for the documentary with this post for those that would like to find out more about it. But then on Wednesday our class was a discussion related to "Miss Representation", male and female portrayals in the media, and body image. What I found to be one of the most shocking things was how much the media tries to make women feel anxious about their weight while they're pregnant and then about losing weight after their infants are born. It's super sad! Actually after class I called and talked to one of my aunts who I've heard sometimes mention how bad she feels about her stretch marks from having four children. I told her about what I learned in class and that I hope she knew that she shouldn't worry about how she looks because she has done such a great thing by being a mom. It was a really good conversation! So I was very grateful for the things that I was able to learn last week and I truly feel like I can be better at making sure I don't contribute a part in making others feel bad about how they look or how the media tells them they should look. I'd invite everyone to do more research on these subjects as well and find ways to be more supportive of men and women and how despite appearances they are still our brothers and sisters. Oh and tied into one of our class discussions we learned about Dove's Real Beauty campaign which is AWESOME. Hence, the title to this week's post.


  1. I always thought that I needed to enjoy my body now because once I start having children, my body will just "fall apart" like Mom's always tell me! Haha but I'm excited to have children and be proud of my mommy body as long as I keep working out and taking care of it at the same time :)

  2. Yeah I still remember the day I told my single brother that most women have stretch marks, even if you haven't been pregnant! He was actually surprised to hear it! I think having more open, frank, and proud conversations about the reality of women and our bodies will be what makes a difference in a world of fake expectations.

  3. It's amazing how much media and distorted the vision of so many. But it also amazing that so many feel they need to "live up" to those being portrayed in media. If everyone just accepted everyone for how they really were, the world would be such a better place.
